Escher Girls

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a WTF?

A blog to archive and showcase the prevalence of certain ways women are depicted in illustrated pop media, such as how women are posed, drawn, distorted, and/or sexualized out of context, often in ridiculous ways that sacrifice storytelling.

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panel from Elektra vol. 1 #3 showing Elektra bending down on her hands and knees looking at a fire burning in a building with a person standing in it, her butt is facing the audience and is seemingly disconnected from her back entirely, the narration text says "Waiting. Hiding. Watching."

Are you okay, Elektra...?

Elektra... Elektra...?  Are you okay Elektra? D:

I think coming back from the dead might have not fully taken.

(Panels from Elektra vol. 1 #3, Marvel Comics, submitted by anonymous)

back cover art from Avengelyne vol. 4 #7 from Image Comics showing Avengelyne (brunette in a black leather outfit riding on the back of a motorcycle while in a boobs and butt pose with her torso swiveled heavily to point both her buttcheeks and breasts at the audience viewpoint

The Boobs, Butt, and Bike Pose

I would say Avengelyne should be really scared about how she's about to slip off that wheel cover, but she's already in the process of snapping in half. D:

(Back cover of Avengelyne vol. 4 #7, Image Comics, submitted by anonymous)

card art from Magic Knight Armageddon mobile game that depicts a strawberry blonde anime girl with elf ears in a blue bra and presumably a thong, drawing back arrows on a magic bow, her back is bent 90 degrees in a plasticine way like she's a centaur, her butt is 90 degrees offset to her torso and chest, think of a tetris block

The True Tetris Attack

Somehow, I always knew it would end this way... murdered by a sexy Tetris block.

(Art from Magic Knight Armageddon, DeNA Japan & VNG Corp.)

cover of Crystalis 0 comic book showing a brunette white woman in a blue low-cut crop top and blue skin-tight leggings with energy wings lfying through space, she is in a boobs and butt pose with her butt tilted toward the viewer

Boobs and Butting Through The Universe

The boobs and butt pose isn't for our viewing pleasure actually. It's necessary to warp space/time so she can enter hyperspace.  That's just science.  Sexy science.

(Cover of Crysalis #0, Rothic Comics, submitted by anonymous)

back cover of X-Men Blue TPB #0 showing Rogue sin her green outfit standing on her pointed tip toes with her feet so pointed they look like hooves, her butt is pushed back a bit and her body is extremely thin

Rogue Compass

Rogue doing her best imitation of a pair of chopsticks or a drawing compass.

(Back cover of X-Men Blue TPB #0, Marvel Comics, submitted by anonymous)

card art of "Human Sniper" from World of Warcraft CCG showing a brown haired light skinned human woman with red skintight boobsocks wearing furry gauntlets and skirt, holding a crossobow pointing it to the right while her legs point to the left going diagonally off screen with her butt facing in the opposite direction

"Card Art Taken Before Disaster"

I think she's slipping on ice and when she fires that thing she's going to go flying back. D:

Also, sporting some serious boobsocks.  Maybe those are actually padding to absorb the fall she's about to have.

panel from X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire #2 showing 2 girls drawn pseudo-manga style with big puffy lips, small noses and big eyes, one has short red hair & the other has brown hair, the red girl is in a red top with sleeves and a gold V top that covers the tops of her breasts and a gold string bikini with a thong with the top hanging down, she has one arm behind her that may or may not be disconnected, the brunette is in a V cut black/gold leotard and in a strong boobs & butt pose

Choose your fighter

Choose your fighter: Girl WIth Her Butt On Backwards or Girl With Gold Napkin Thong

(Panel from X-Men: Phoenix - Legacy of Fire, Marvel Comics/Marvel Max)

panel from catwoman vol 2 #45 showing Catwoman kicking a guy in a ballet pose while bent over with her breasts facing the audience viewpoint and her butt behind it, both her buttcheeks and her breasts are encased separately like her clothing clings to them, there is an additional bump in her body between her shoulder and her butt that is of unknown providence

Catwoman of the Three Boobs

Maybe the "and three" refers to that third butt or boob on Catwoman's back as her body glitches out apparently.

(Panel from Catwoman vol. 2 #45, DC Comics, submitted by anonymous)