card art from Legend of the Cryptids showing a white woman in spiky fantasy armor and a spiky hat with 2 horns (kind of like Loki from Marvel), her arms are covered in armor and her torso below her breasts in a bustier, she is standing with her butt facing and tilted toward the audience viewpoint and her back arched and twisted, she looks like she's falling over

TFW You're About To Fall Out Of Your Armor But Also You're Slipping On A Banana Peel

Poor Loki Witchblade She-ra, she's apparently slipping on ice or a banana peel or something, and in 0.5 seconds she's about to have a really bad wardrobe malfunction. >_>

Also it kinda looks like she's folding like an accordion.  Just a bad time all around. D:

(Art from Legend of the Cryptids, Applibot Inc., submitted by anonymous)