2 page spread Cover of Flesh Eating Cheerleaders from Outer Space #2 of a brunette cheerleader lying on the ground propped up by her arms in a boobs and butt pose with her skirt hiked up to show panty as she looks off camera (possibly in fear)

Broken Cheerleader Redux

Tripas submitted:

"Found this whilst browsing online, and was surprised it wasn't a part of the Escher Girls collection (or at least I couldn't find it when I searched for it). Not only do we have the always classic boobs and butt pose afforded by an apparent (and very literal) lack of a spine, but special mention should also be made of that mini-skirt. I don't think that would cover anything, even if the girls was to stand upright whilst completely motionless."

I thought that photo looked familiar and I realized a cropped promo version of this was actually submitted 2 years ago.  Probably the reason you didn't find it in your search is I missed writing the title as a tag, I've since edited the post to fix it.  However, since your image is the actual comic cover and you included additional commentary, I've decided to publish this post too.

As for the photo, maybe she's already dead and in the process of zombification. D:  Her pose looks extremely painful anyway.

(Cover of Flesh-Eating Cheerleaders from Outer Space #2, Dren Productions)