anime visual novel screenshot of maid girl being thrown into a wall her panties appear to be showing under her dress almost next to her breasts

A Picasso Girl?

"Annonymous" submitted:

Uh… I have no idea what’s going on with her spine nor do I know why she has that b&b pose + pantyshot combo going in the middle of that fight.

For bonus points: The first part of the CG the game zooms up on is her underwear. When the game shows the full artwork, the player gets treated to this line - “Her skirt flipped up to risque levels, yet the soldier let out a cry of neither surprise nor pleasure.”

(This is a CG from an originally all-ages visual novel game called “eden* - There were only two, on the planet” by minori while the English version was recently released by Mangagamer.)

I can't figure this out at all.  Is she a robot girl being broken into pieces or something?