Escher Girls

Float like a butterfly, Sting like a WTF?

A blog to archive and showcase the prevalence of certain ways women are depicted in illustrated pop media, such as how women are posed, drawn, distorted, and/or sexualized out of context, often in ridiculous ways that sacrifice storytelling.

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cover of Lady Death: Sacrificial Annihilation #2 from Coffin Comics showing Lady Death (woman with white hair, white skin, and white supernatural eyes in a black leather bikini top and black thong bottom in a red and black cape) standing with her butt facing the audience in a boobs and butt pose, her back is twisted and bent inward at over 90 degrees, and both her breasts are visible to the audience as well as both buttcheeks

Liquidizing Lady Death

Stuck in quicksand, Lady Death is doing the only thing she can, turning her whole body into liquid to seep out.

(Cover of Lady Death: Sacrificial Annihilation #2, Coffin Comics)

cover of Fall of the House of X #2 showing 3 different Phoenixes flying out of the Phoenix Force, Jean at the front is in a green jumpsuit with her arms spread and her chest pointed toward the viewer, her legs are bent stubs below her meant to indicate her legs bent at the knee but they just look like melted tubes

Phoenix Force Burns Too Hot

I think the Phoenix Force is so hot it's melting Jean's legs and possibly her body.

Her far leg in that second panel seems off though...

(Covers of Fall of the House of X #2 & #33, Marvel Comics, submitted by anonymous)

screenshot from Highspeed Etoile CG anime episode 3 showing a dark haired woman with light skin in a tight white top facing a pink and blonde haired woman with dark skin in a black and red top, the viewpoint is from below both looking up at their breasts which are floating in the air and seemingly stiff, the caption has the pink haired woman saying "Oh? You'd be able to collect my racing data!"

The Data Is Stored In The Boobs

Me and my friends were watching this anime and this scene was just too funny not to share.  It's not caught in the middle of motion or anything too, it's a CGI anime so the models were just static and their breasts just kinda hover.

textless card art of Nephenee from Fire Emblem 0 cipher showing an anime girl with long green hair holding a pike and shield, she is in full green armor and standing in a boobs and butt pose with her butt facing the audience and her torso turned around to also face the audience

Yet Another Heroine Stuck In Quicksand D:

"I would kill you for trying to take a picture of my butt, but I'm a little stuck in quicksand right now.  Give me a second."

(Card art of Nephenee from Fire Emblem Cipher TCG, Intelligent Systems, submitted by anon)

panel from Elektra vol. 1 #3 showing Elektra bending down on her hands and knees looking at a fire burning in a building with a person standing in it, her butt is facing the audience and is seemingly disconnected from her back entirely, the narration text says "Waiting. Hiding. Watching."

Are you okay, Elektra...?

Elektra... Elektra...?  Are you okay Elektra? D:

I think coming back from the dead might have not fully taken.

(Panels from Elektra vol. 1 #3, Marvel Comics, submitted by anonymous)

back cover art from Avengelyne vol. 4 #7 from Image Comics showing Avengelyne (brunette in a black leather outfit riding on the back of a motorcycle while in a boobs and butt pose with her torso swiveled heavily to point both her buttcheeks and breasts at the audience viewpoint

The Boobs, Butt, and Bike Pose

I would say Avengelyne should be really scared about how she's about to slip off that wheel cover, but she's already in the process of snapping in half. D:

(Back cover of Avengelyne vol. 4 #7, Image Comics, submitted by anonymous)

card art from Magic Knight Armageddon mobile game that depicts a strawberry blonde anime girl with elf ears in a blue bra and presumably a thong, drawing back arrows on a magic bow, her back is bent 90 degrees in a plasticine way like she's a centaur, her butt is 90 degrees offset to her torso and chest, think of a tetris block

The True Tetris Attack

Somehow, I always knew it would end this way... murdered by a sexy Tetris block.

(Art from Magic Knight Armageddon, DeNA Japan & VNG Corp.)

cover of Crystalis 0 comic book showing a brunette white woman in a blue low-cut crop top and blue skin-tight leggings with energy wings lfying through space, she is in a boobs and butt pose with her butt tilted toward the viewer

Boobs and Butting Through The Universe

The boobs and butt pose isn't for our viewing pleasure actually. It's necessary to warp space/time so she can enter hyperspace.  That's just science.  Sexy science.

(Cover of Crysalis #0, Rothic Comics, submitted by anonymous)